Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Just been watching failblog and I feel that I am a fail because I can't seem to get any ideas for a blog.

That is all

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

General Election

Right well...
It will be my first time voting this year which is pretty exciting

I am sure of who I am going to vote vote as I have been watching lots of Question Time!
David is pretty awesome!

Anyway I shall do another blog later as I am not very inspired right now.
Over and Out

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Is Lady GaGa?

From watching Friday night with Jonathan Ross last night I still don't know what to think of Lady GaGa. Before when she was on it previously and she had just released 'Just Dance' and P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-POKER FACE! It was the most uncomfortable interview I have seen apart from the interview with Janice Dickinson! I don't need to say much more about that.

However the episode broadcast last night was a lot better, she answered the questions and she actually did talk some sense. I thought the telephone hat was pretty awesome as well but I wouldn't wear it myself. I'll stick with my wooly hat I think.
Her performance was too bad either, she is very interesting and a really good musician. Her piano solo thing was very good.

But I still don't think I get her as a person. Also shows a little too much flesh for my liking! I swear female musicians/performers/acts can't get anywhere in the music business without showing a bit of body. Even if they are in male msician's videos they are all half naked. I think thats why I prefer acts like Amy McDonald who write nice pop songs and wear nice clothes.

Anyway back to Gaga, I actually like a couple of her songs, Bad Romance is alright. I'm still annoyed about Poker Face because she has ripped off the chorus of this.

So now I have a slightly higher opinion of her but she will never get into my favourites I don't think
Lets be honest though she doesn't do it as well as this man.

Over and out